Chapter 9 8086/8088 Hardware Specifications
- 8086 - 16 位
- 8088 - 8 位
8086 有两种模式
- 小模式
- simplest and least expensive mode
- 所有内存和 I/O 的控制信号由处理器生成
- 大模式
- Allows the system to use an external coprocessor such as 8087 (floating-point coprocessor)
- 一些控制信号必须外部生成
- \(AD_{15}-AD_0\)
- ALE 为 1 时,存储 16 bits memory address or I/O port number
- ALE 为 0 时,contain data
- ALE - Address latch enable
- \(IO/\overline{M}\ or\ \overline{M}/IO\) - 选择 memory & I/O
- BHE - bus high enable,在读写数据操作时 enable 高 8 位
- \(\overline{RD}\) - 为 0 时接收 memory 或 I/O 的数据
- \(\overline{WR}\) - 为 0 时表面总线上的数据 valid for memory or I/O
- INTR - request a hardware interrupt
- IF = 1 时,升高 INTR 会在当前指令完成后,发生中断
- NMI - non-maskable interrupt
- 不 check IF
- if activated, uses interrupt vector 2
- \(\overline{INTA}\) - interrupt acknowledge (response to the INTR input pin,通常用于向总线输出 interrupt vector number)
- \(\overline{LOCK}\) - 用 LOCK prefix on any instruction 启用该信号,lock peripherals off the system
9-2 DRAM Organization
Memory Bank
- 用于 1B transfer 和非对齐地址访问
- A "bank" refers to 8-bit wide memory
- Two bus cycles are needed for an unaligned memory access
MOV [31H], AX
->MOV [31H], AL
,MOV [32H], AH