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Part 4



  • Local

    • 定义一个邻居
    • A local optimum is a best solution in a neighborhood
  • Search

    • Start with a feasible solution and search a better one within the neighborhood
    • A local optimum is achieved if no improvement is possible


  • S~S': S' 是一个邻居,由 S 经过小小改动得到
  • N(S): S 的邻居 - S' 组成的集合


SolutionType Gradient_descent()
{   Start from a feasible solution S  FS ;
    MinCost = cost(S);
    while (1) {
        S = Search( N(S) ); /* find the best S’ in N(S) */
        CurrentCost = cost(S);
        if ( CurrentCost < MinCost ) {
            MinCost = CurrentCost;    S = S;
        else  break;
    return S;

Vector Cover Problem

Given an undirected graph G = (V, E). Find a minimum subset S of V such that for each edge (u, v) in E, either u or v is in S.


  • 可行解的集合:FS-所有顶点覆盖的方法
  • 目标函数:cost(S),顶点集合的大小
  • 邻居:S 增加/减少一个顶点
  • Search:Start from S = V; delete a node and check if S' is a vertex cover with a smaller cost.

一个点的相邻顶点数 < |V|,因此 N(S) 的大小 O(|V|)


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SolutionType Metropolis()
{   Define constants k and T;
    Start from a feasible solution S in FS ;
    MinCost = cost(S);
    while (1) {
        S = Randomly chosen from N(S); 
        CurrentCost = cost(S);
        if ( CurrentCost < MinCost ) {
            MinCost = CurrentCost;    S = S;
        else {
            // 以一定的概率跳出当前解
            With a probability e^{delta(cost)/kT}, let S = S;
            else  break;
    return S;

Hopfield Neural Networks

Graph G = (V, E) with integer edge weights w (positive or negative).

If \(w_e\) < 0, where e = (u, v), then u and v want to have the same state; if \(w_e\) > 0 then u and v want different states.



  • 好边和坏边: In a configuration S, edge e = (u, v) is good if \(w_e s_u s_v < 0 (w_e < 0 iff s_u = s_v )\); otherwise, it is bad.
  • 顶点的满足条件:In a configuration S, a node u is satisfied if the weight of incident good edges \(\geq\) weight of incident bad edges.

    • 相邻点的权重( \(w_e s_u s_v\))和 <= 0
    • A configuration is stable if all nodes are satisfied.
ConfigType State_flipping()
    Start from an arbitrary configuration S;
    while ( ! IsStable(S) ) {
        u = GetUnsatisfied(S);
        su = - su;
    return S;

定理:一定有稳定解,最多翻 \(W = \sum_e|W_e|\)

Proof: Measure of proggress:

\[ \Phi(S)=\sum_{e\ is\ good}|W_e| \]
  • 每翻转一个点,原先的好边变成坏边,坏边变成好边
  • 又因为未满足的点的边权和>0,所以势能函数必增长
  • 而势能函数必小于 W

因此最多翻 W 次

u 个翻转发生后:(此时 S 变成了 S')

Maximum Cut Problem

: Given an undirected graph G = (V, E) with positive integer edge weights we, find a node partition (A, B) such that the total weight of edges crossing the cut is maximized.


是 Hopfield Neural Networks 的 special case




  • 目标函数:最大化 w(A, B)
  • 可行解:任何染色的方式
  • 邻居:把一个点的颜色改变(翻转没有被满足的节点)



定理:得到的解不会小于最优解的 1/2

证明:算法结束后,对任何一个节点,好边权重和肯定大于坏边权重和,即 $$



  • 如果目标函数的改变比 \(\frac {2\varepsilon}{|V|}W(A, B)\) 小,则退出
  • \((2+\varepsilon)\)-approximation

Claim:在用了上面的方法后,最多翻转 \(O(n/\epsilo logW)\)(多项式时间复杂度)

  • 找一个更好的邻居

    • 选择范围变大(增大步长),邻居由 {v1, v2, v3} 变为 {(v1),(v1, v2)} - \(O(n^2)\);

Randomized Algorithms


  • 分析算法时,需要生成随机数据测试(世界随机)
\[ Average-case\ Analysis \]
  • 算法决策时,有时需要随机(对抗 worst-case input)

  • 不需要精确解的情况,随机算法能高效地算出可能性很高的解

    • 选择算法起点

A Quick Review

  • Pr[A] - 事件 A 发生的可能性
  • E[X] - 数学期望

Example: The Hiring Problem

  • Hire an office assistant from headhunter

  • Interview a different applicant per day for N days

  • Interviewing Cost = \(C_i\) << Hiring Cost = \(C_h\)

  • Analyze interview & hiring cost instead of running time

计算雇佣的消耗:雇佣 M 个人,Total cost = \(O(NC_i+MC_h)\)

需要设计一个算法,能招募到最厉害的人,并且 Total cost 最小

Naive Solution
int Hiring ( EventType C[ ], int N )
{   /* candidate 0 is a least-qualified dummy candidate */
    int Best = 0;
    int BestQ = the quality of candidate 0;
    for ( i=1; i<=N; i++ ) {
        Qi = interview( i ); /* Ci */
        if ( Qi > BestQ ) {
            BestQ = Qi;
            Best = i;
            hire( i );  /* Ch */
    return Best;
  • worst case 人按能力递增顺序面试,算法 cost 是 \(O(NC_h)\)


  • 随机性假设:当前面试的 i 个人中,任意一个个人是当前最好的面试者的可能性相同
  • X = number of hires
  • \(X_i\) = 第 i 个人是否被雇佣
  • \(X=\sum_{i=1}^n{Xi}\)
  • 由随机性假设,\(E(X_i)=1/i\)
  • \(E(X)=\sum_{i=1}^n1/i=lnN+O(1)\)

因此,随机情况下,算法 cost 是 \(O(C_hlnN+NC_i)\)

Ramdomized Algorithm
int RandomizedHiring ( EventType C[ ], int N )
{   /* candidate 0 is a least-qualified dummy candidate */
    int Best = 0;
    int BestQ = the quality of candidate 0;
    // 把面试者随机排序,再用上面的算法
    randomly permute the list of candidates;

    for ( i=1; i<=N; i++ ) {
        Qi = interview( i ); /* Ci */
        if ( Qi > BestQ ) {
            BestQ = Qi;
            Best = i;
            hire( i );  /* Ch */
* 好处 - 面试顺序一定随机 * 坏处 - 额外时间开销

void PermuteBySorting ( ElemType A[ ], int N )
    for ( i=1; i<=N; i++ )
        A[i].P = 1 + rand()%(N3); 
        /* makes it more likely that all priorities are unique */
    Sort A, using P as the sort keys;
  • Claim: PermuteBySorting produces a uniform random permutation of the input, assuming all priorities are distinct.


int OnlineHiring ( EventType C[ ], int N, int k )
    int Best = N;
    int BestQ = - Inf ;
    for ( i=1; i<=k; i++ ) {
        Qi = interview( i );
        if ( Qi > BestQ )   BestQ = Qi;
    for ( i=k+1; i<=N; i++ ) {
        Qi = interview( i );
        if ( Qi > BestQ ) {
            Best = i;
    return Best;

即忽略前面的 k 个人,不管表现如何都不雇佣,只记录最好的表现作为后面面试的参考。

  • 参数 k 很重要


\[ Pr[S]=\sum_{} \]

总之,雇佣到最好的人的可能性 \(Pr[S]\geq\frac{k}{N}ln\frac{N}{k}\)(求导算 k)

Example: Quicksort

average: \(O(NlogN)\)

worst: \(O(N)^2\)

为了防止最坏情况发生,要选好 pivot

  • 两个概念
    • Central splitter - the pivot that divides the set so that each side contains at least n/4
    • Modified Quicksort - always select a central splitter before recursions


  • Type j:

Parallel Algorithms

Parallel Random Access Machine (PRAM)

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for Pi, 1<=i<=n pardo - 每个处理器同时进行操作

  • 同时写入一个位置会产生冲突,解决方法:
    • Exclusive-Read Exclusive-Write (EREW) - 不允许同时读写
    • Concurrent-Read Exclusive-Write (CREW) - 允许同时读,不允许同时写
    • Concurrent-Read Concurrent-Write (CRCW) - 当且仅当同时写的数据相同时,允许同时写(还有随机写和最优先写的规则)
    • 第三种方法最常见

Example: The summation problem.

Input: A(1), A(2), …, A(n)

Output: A(1) + A(2) + … +A(n)


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for Pi, 1<=i<=n pardo
    B(0,i): = A(i)

    for j = 1: log n begin
        if i <= n/2^h
            B(j,i): = B(j-1,2*i-1)+B(j-1,2*i)
        else stay idle // PRAM 模型需要告诉处理器是进行操作还是 stay idle

    for i = 1: output B(log n, 1); for i > 1: stay idle


PRAM 的不足:每说明处理器数量不同时怎么做;必须知名具体操作有时过于复杂

Work-Depth (WD) Presentation

for Pi,  1 <= i <= n  pardo
   B(0, i) := A( i )
for h = 1 to log n 
    for Pi, 1 <= i <= n/2^h  pardo
        B(h, i) := B(h-1, 2i-1) + B(h-1, 2i)
for i = 1 pardo
   output  B(log n, 1)

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Measuring the performence

  • Work load - total number of operation 工作量
  • Worst-case running time: T(n) 工时
  • 等价描述:
    • W(n) operations and T(n) time
    • P(n) = W(n)/T(n) processors and T(n) time (on a PRAM)
    • W(n)/p time using any number of p ≤ W(n)/T(n) processors (on a PRAM)
    • W(n)/p + T(n) time using any number of p processors (on a PRAM)

只对 PRAM 成立的原因是,PRAM 每个处理器的工作量是相同的(stay idle 也算作工作量),WD 不是。

分析上面提到的 WD 算法:

for Pi,  1 <= i <= n  pardo
   B(0, i) := A( i )
for h = 1 to log n 
    for Pi, 1 <= i <= n/2^h  pardo
        B(h, i) := B(h-1, 2i-1) + B(h-1, 2i)
for i = 1 pardo
   output  B(log n, 1)
$$ T(n) = logn + 2 $$ $$ W(n) = n + n/2 + n/2^2 + ... + n/2^k + 1 = 2n(2^k = n) $$

  • WD-presentation Sufficiency Theorem - WD 模式中的算法可以在 O(W(n)/P(n) + T(n)) 时间内由任何 P(n) 个处理器实现,使用与 WD 表示中相同的并发写入约定。

Example: Prefix-Sums.

Input: A(1), A(2), …, A(n)

Output: \(\sum_{i=1}^1A(i),\sum_{i=1}^2A(i),\sum_{i=1}^3A(i)...\)

Technique: Balanced Binary Trees

得到 C 的递推公式:

因此需要从下到上算一次 B,再从上到下算 C

for Pi , 1 <= i <= n pardo
  B(0, i) := A(i)
for h = 1 to log n
  for i , 1 <= i <= n/2h pardo
    B(h, i) := B(h - 1, 2i - 1) + B(h - 1, 2i)
for h = log n to 0
  for i even, 1 <= i <= n/2h pardo
    C(h, i) := C(h + 1, i/2)
  for i = 1 pardo
    C(h, 1) := B(h, 1)
  for i odd, 3 <= i <= n/2h pardo
    C(h, i) := C(h + 1, (i - 1)/2) + B(h, i)

Example: Merging – merge two non-decreasing arrays A(1), A(2), …, A(n) and B(1), B(2), …, B(m) into another non-decreasing array C(1), C(2), …, C(n+m)

  • RANK( j, A) = Bj 在 A 数组中比多少个元素大
  • RANK( j, A) = i, if A(i) < B(j) < A(i + 1), for 0 < i < n
  • RANK( j, A) = 0, if B(j) < A(1)
  • RANK( j, A) = n, if B(j) > A(n)

算出 RANK 值后,可以用下面的算法并行得到数组 C,O(1) time and O(n+m) work.

for Pi , 1 <= i <= n  pardo
    C(i + RANK(i, B)) := A(i)
for Pi , 1 <= i <= n  pardo
    C(i + RANK(i, A)) := B(i)

怎么算 RANK 值

  • 二分搜索树 \(T(n) = O(logn), W(n) = O(nlogn)\)
    for Pi , 1 <= i <= n  pardo
        RANK(i, B) := BS(A(i), B)
        RANK(i, A) := BS(B(i), A)
  • Serial Ranking \(T(n) = W(n) = O(n+m)\)
    • 维护两个指针,计算 rank
    • 指向的 A 比 B 小,则确定了 A 在 B 中的位置,后移 A 的指针
      i = j = 0; 
      while ( i <= n || j <= m ) {
          if ( A(i+1) < B(j+1) )
              RANK(++i, B) = j;
          else RANK(++j, A) = i;

Parallel Ranking

  • 先选取 p = n/logn 个中间点,串行算 rank - \(T = O(logn), W = O(plogn) = O(n)\)

    • A_Select( i ) = A( 1+(i-1)logn ) for 1 <= i <= p
    • B_Select( i ) = B( 1+(i-1)logn ) for 1 <= i <= p
  • 再分解成下面的这些子问题,最多 2p 个,sized O(logn) - \(T = O(logn), W = O(plogn) = O(n)\)

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  • 总的来说:\(T = O(logn),W = O(plogn) = O(n)\)

Example: Maximum Finding.

compare all pairs
for Pi , 1 <= i <= n  pardo
    B(i) := 0
for i and j, 1 <= i, j <= n  pardo
    if ( (A(i) < A(j)) || ((A(i) = A(j)) && (i < j)) )
            B(i) = 1
    else B(j) = 1
for Pi , 1 <= i <= n  pardo
    if B(i) == 0
       A(i) is a maximum in A

上面的算法 - \(T(n) = O(1),W(n) = O(n^2)\)(B(i) 是并行写入的,只要有一个为 1 就写入 1)

A Doubly-logarithmic Paradigm

方法一:Partition by \(\sqrt{n}\)

  • 切割成 \(\sqrt{n}\) 个子问题
  • 递归求解
  • 最后计算两两打架(T(1) = O(1), W(1) = O(1))

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估计递归式 \(T(n) \leq T(\sqrt{n}) + c\) 的上界函数:

  1. 初始情况下: \(T(n) \leq T(\sqrt{n}) + c\)
  2. \(T(\sqrt{n})\) 继续递归: \(T(\sqrt{n}) \leq T(n^{1/4}) + c\)
  3. \(T(n^{1/4})\) 继续递归: \(T(n^{1/4}) \leq T(n^{1/8}) + c\)
  4. 如此继续下去:

\(k\) 是递归的深度(由 \(n\) 减少到 1 需要多少步),使得 \(n^{(1/2)^k} = 1\)

求解 \(k\)

\[ n^{(1/2)^k} = 1$$ $$(1/2)^k \log n = \log 1$$ $$k = \log_2 \log n\]

即,递归的深度是 \(\log_2 \log n\)

\[T(n) \leq c \cdot (\log_2 \log n)\]
  • 因此,\(T(n) = O(\log \log n)\)

同理,\(W(n)\) 递归的深度也是 \(\log_2 \log n\)

\(W(n)\leq nW(1) + c_2n\log_2 \log n\)

  • \(W(n) = O(n\log \log n)\)

方法二:Partition by h = log log n

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\[ T(n)=O(h+loglog(n/h))=O(loglogn) $$ $$ W(n)=O(h\times(n/h)+(n/h)loglog(n/h))=O(n) \]

方法三:Random Sampling

  • 从 A 中采样 \(n^{\frac{7}{8}}\) 个元素
  • 检查外面有没有更大的元素
  • 如果有则采样一个包括这个更大的元素的 B
    while (there is an element larger than M) {
         for (each element larger than M)
             Throw it into a random place in a new B^(n(7/8));
         Compute a new M;

有非常大的可能算法在 \(T(n) =O(1), W(n)=O(n)\) 内结束,超过这个值的可能性大小 = \(O(1/n^c)\)

External Sorting ✔️

Disk 拿到数据时间长,数据量大时需要一个内存外部排序的算法

quick sort 每次拿取时间很长(需要移动磁头、等待旋转等等),效率低


  • Store data on tapes (can only be accessed sequentially)
  • Can use at least 3 tape drives

Example: Suppose that the internal memory can handle M = 3 records at a time.

run - 在排序过程中的一个连续的有序子序列

pass - 将多个有序的 runs 进行合并的过程

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N - 总元素数,M - 内部存储大小


  • Seek time — O( number of passes )
  • Time to read or write one block of records
  • Time to internally sort M records
  • Time to merge N records from input buffers to the output buffer

Computer can carry out I\O and CPU processing in parallel

为减少耗时,reduce pass:

  • 多路归并 - 需要 k 个 input tape,k 个 output tape,交换着用
  • 减少要用的 tape 数:k 个 input,1 个 output,转换时将 output 的一部分 copy 到之前的 input tape 里
    • 前两次 pass:alt text
    • copy 操作(消耗大):alt text
    • 全部执行下来 - 1 + 6 passes + 5 copies
  • 或者不均分,则不需要 copy,如果是斐波那契数,需要的合并很少
    • 将 T1 的 34 个 run 分成下面两个:alt text
    • 将 T2 和 T3 的前 13 个 run 合并到 T1,T2 还剩 8 个 run:alt text
    • 以此类推,将 T1 和 T2 的前 8 个 run 合并到 T3:alt text
    • 图中情况仅需 1 + 7 passes,只需要 k + 1 个 tapes


  • 两路合并的情况,如果是 N/M 是斐波那契数 \(F_N\),则分成 \(F_{N-1}\)\(F_{N-2}\) 是最佳选择
  • k 路合并,定义 k 路斐波那契数 \(F_N^k = F_{N-1}^k + F_{N-2}^k + ... + F_{N-k}^k\), (\(F_N^k = 0,\ 0\leq N\leq k-2\), \(F_{k-1}^k = 1\))

handle buffer

  • 如果只有一个 output buffer,在它输出磁盘时,排序会停止
  • 用两个 output buffer,其中一个接受 input buffer 的数据,另一个往 disk 写数据
  • 因此 k-way 的排序,需要 2k 个 input buffer,2 个 output buffer

在内存固定的情况下,路越多,buffer 越小,即 M 越小,在 pass 数的计算公式中,与 log 的底数相制衡。因此不是路数越多越好。

加大每个 run 的大小 - Replacement selection

  • 直接顺序拿取 k 个,按大小排序,选取最小的放在新 tape 里,在空出来的位置拿取新的。
  • 拿取新的时可能不能放在新 tape run 的后面 -> 成为死空间
  • 当 k 个位置都是死空间 -> 放在下一个 tape,这样平均情况下,每个 run 是之前的两倍

Powerful when input is often nearly sorted for external sorting.

最小 merge 操作:霍夫曼树


Suppose we have 4 runs of length 2, 4, 5, and 15, respectively. How can we arrange the merging to obtain minimum merge times?

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