高级数据与算法分析——Part 3
解决问题的一般思想:生成一个候选解的 list,检查所有的解,去除不符合要求的,来找到最后的解
- 基本思想:suppose we have a partial solution ( x1, ... , xi ), than we add xi+1 and check if ( x1, ... , xi, xi+1 ) satisfies the constrains. If the answer is “yes” we continue to add the next x, else we delete xi and backtrack to the previous partial solution ( x1, ... , xi ).
Eight Queens: 在 8*8 的棋盘放 8 个皇后,没有两个皇后在同一行/列/对角线上(放入一个皇后后,八个方向都被 ban)
解的表示方法(xi 表示第 i 行的皇后在第几列): $$ Solution = ( x1, x2, ... , x8 ) = ( 4, 6, 8, 2, 7, 1, 3, 5 ) $$
先考虑四皇后的简单版本,建立一个 game tree(帮助理解,实际并不建树):
用这个方法,我们找到了第一个解 ( 2, 4, 1, 3 )
Turnpike Reconstruction
有 N 个加油站,给定所有加油站两两间的距离(N(N-1)/2 个),求解加油站坐标(最左边的是 0)
Example: Given D = {1,2,2,2,3,3,3,4,5,5,5,6,7,8,10}
Step 1: N(N-1)/2 = 15 implies N = 6
Step 2: 因为第一个加油站坐标为 0,因此离他最远的加油站坐标为 10. 其余加油站都在二者之间
Step 3: 找到第二大的距离 8,假设它与第一个加油站的距离是这么大,并在集合中排除 2(此时它与最后一个加油站的距离就是 2)
Step 4: 找到第三大的距离 7,假设它与第一个加油站的距离是 7,如果可行再去枚举第四大的距离,不可行则认为它与最后一个加油站的距离是 7,都不行的话回溯到 Step 3,假设它与最后加油站的距离是 8
( 0, 3, 5, 6, 8, 10 )
bool Reconstruct ( DistType X[ ], DistSet D, int N, int left, int right )
{ /* X[1]...X[left-1] and X[right+1]...X[N] are solved */
bool Found = false;
if ( Is_Empty( D ) )
return true; /* solved */
D_max = Find_Max( D );
/* option 1:X[right] = D_max */
/* check if |D_max-X[i]|属于D is true for all X[i]’s that have been solved */
// 相当于把新的加油站放在坐标为 D_max 的位置
OK = Check( D_max, N, left, right ); /* pruning */
if ( OK ) { /* add X[right] and update D */
X[right] = D_max;
for ( i=1; i<left; i++ ) Delete( |X[right]-X[i]|, D);
for ( i=right+1; i<=N; i++ ) Delete( |X[right]-X[i]|, D);
Found = Reconstruct ( X, D, N, left, right-1 );
if ( !Found ) { /* if does not work, undo */
for ( i=1; i<left; i++ ) Insert( |X[right]-X[i]|, D);
for ( i=right+1; i<=N; i++ ) Insert( |X[right]-X[i]|, D);
/* finish checking option 1 */
if ( !Found ) { /* if option 1 does not work */
/* option 2: X[left] = X[N]-D_max */
OK = Check( X[N]-D_max, N, left, right );
if ( OK ) {
X[left] = X[N] – D_max;
for ( i=1; i<left; i++ ) Delete( |X[left]-X[i]|, D);
for ( i=right+1; i<=N; i++ ) Delete( |X[left]-X[i]|, D);
Found = Reconstruct (X, D, N, left+1, right );
if ( !Found ) {
for ( i=1; i<left; i++ ) Insert( |X[left]-X[i]|, D);
for ( i=right+1; i<=N; i++ ) Insert( |X[left]-X[i]|, D);
/* finish checking option 2 */
} /* finish checking all the options */
return Found;
bool Backtracking ( int i )
{ Found = false;
if ( i > N )
return true; /* solved with (x1, …, xN) */
for ( each xi 属于 Si ) {
/* check if satisfies the restriction R */
OK = Check((x1, …, xi) , R ); /* pruning */
if ( OK ) {
Count xi in;
Found = Backtracking( i+1 );
if ( !Found )
Undo( i ); /* recover to (x1, …, xi-1) */
if ( Found ) break;
return Found;
Stick Problem
19,683 possible board layouts (39 since each of the nine spaces can be X, O or blank), and
362,880 (i.e., 9!) possible games (different sequences for placing the Xs and Os on the board)
Minimax Strategy
Use an evaluation function to quantify the "goodness" of a position. For example: $$ f(P)=W_{Computer}-W_{Human} $$
where W is the number of potential wins at position P
以下图为例,红圈是人,有 4 种可能的赢法
- 上面一横
- 左边一竖
- 右边一竖
- 下边一横
同理,蓝叉是电脑,有 6 种可能的赢法
The human is trying to minimize the value of the position P, while the computer is trying to maximize it. - Minimax Strategy
α pruning
β pruning
limits the searching to only \(O(\sqrt{N})\) nodes, where N is the size of the full game tree.
Divide and Conquer
将规模为 N 的大问题分成 a 个规模为 N/b 的子问题,子问题通过再次分割递归解决,Merge 需要消耗 \(f(N)\) 的资源,因此 $$ T(N)=aT(N/b)+f(N) $$
分为左右两个部分,合并时考虑左右贯通情况,因此 a = 2,b = 2,f(N) = O(N)
- f(N) 的得到:一种有效的方法是从中间点开始,向左右两侧分别找到最大序列和,然后将它们相加。这个过程的复杂度是 O(n),其中 n 是子数组的长度。
可以推出 \(T(N) = O(NlogN)\)(推导在后面)
Closest Points Problem
给出平面上 N 个点的坐标,求两点之间的最短距离
枚举法:检查 \(N(N-1)/2\) 个点对,\(T=O(N^2)\)
- 由上面的推导知:合并函数的复杂度 matter
- 已经知道了左右两边的最小距离 \(\delta\),水平方向上,只有两个点在 \([-\delta,\delta]\) 之间,它们之间的距离才能更小
- 根据左右两边的最小距离,维护横跨左右的小方块,在其中计算最短距离(自上而下遍历)
- 例如下图,选定最上方的一个点,构造下面这样的区域(接下来选择纵坐标第二大的点,构造小方块
![]() |
![]() |
/* points are all in the strip */
/* and sorted by y coordinates */
for ( i = 0; i < NumPointsInStrip; i++ )
for ( j = i + 1; j < NumPointsInStrip; j++ )
if ( Dist_y( Pi , Pj ) > delta )
else if ( Dist( Pi , Pj ) < delta )
delta = Dist( Pi , Pj );
Substitution method —— guess, then prove by induction
\(T(N) = 2T(\lfloor N/2 \rfloor)+N\)
Proof: 假设对所有 M < N,复杂度是 \(O(NlogN)\),特别地,对 M = \(\lfloor N/2 \rfloor\),有 \(T(\lfloor N/2 \rfloor) \leq c \lfloor N/2 \rfloor log\lfloor N/2 \rfloor\)
\[ T(N)= 2T(\lfloor N/2 \rfloor)+N\leq c \lfloor N/2 \rfloor log\lfloor N/2 \rfloor+N \]\[ \leq c N (log N – log 2) + N \leq c N log N \ \ \ for\ c\geq 1 \]如果假设O(N): 归纳法得到的界不严格,假设不成立,必须严格小于 cN
Recursion-tree method
\(T(N) = 3T(N/4)+\Theta(N^2)\)
\(T(N) = T(N/3)+T(2N/3)+cN\)
Master method
第一种:【Master Theorem】
Let a ?= 1 and b > 1 be constants, let f(N) be a function, and let T(N) be defined on the nonnegative integers by the recurrence T(N) = aT(N/b) + f(N). Then:
Dynamic Programming
斐波那契数列的递归算法: $$ F(N) = F(N – 1) + F(N – 2) $$ 时间复杂度高(T(N)>=F(N))
int Fibonacci ( int N )
{ int i, Last, NextToLast, Answer;
if ( N <= 1 ) return 1;
Last = NextToLast = 1; /* F(0) = F(1) = 1 */
for ( i = 2; i <= N; i++ ) {
Answer = Last + NextToLast; /* F(i) = F(i-1) + F(i-2) */
NextToLast = Last; Last = Answer; /* update F(i-1) and F(i-2) */
} /* end-for */
return Answer;
- O(N) 的时间复杂度
发现:矩阵乘法的顺序 matter
问 N 个矩阵相乘,什么时候代价最小
(矩阵相乘的代价 \(M_{a\times b} \times M_{b\times c}\) 的代价是 \(a\times b\times c\))
- 左边的 M 个矩阵相乘的结果乘右边 N - M 个矩阵
- \(b_n = \sum_{i=1}^{n-1}b_ib_{n-i}\) (\(b_n\) - n 个矩阵相乘有几种组合方式)
- \(m_{ij}\) - 第 i 个矩阵乘到第 j 个矩阵的最小代价
本问题中的状态:\(m_{ij}\) - 计算从 i 到 j 的代价
因此状态规模为 \(O(n^2)\) (i、j 两两组合)
$$ F[N][i] = min{F[N-k][i] + F[k][i-k]+...} $$ \(F[N][i]\) - 计算从以 i 为终点,大小为 N 的问题
/* r contains number of columns for each of the N matrices */
/* r[ 0 ] is the number of rows in matrix 1 */
/* Minimum number of multiplications is left in M[ 1 ][ N ] */
void OptMatrix( const long r[ ], int N, TwoDimArray M )
{ int i, j, k, L;
long ThisM;
for( i = 1; i <= N; i++ ) M[ i ][ i ] = 0;
for( k = 1; k < N; k++ ) /* k = j - i */
for( i = 1; i <= N - k; i++ ) { /* For each position */
j = i + k; M[ i ][ j ] = Infinity;
for( L = i; L < j; L++ ) {
ThisM = M[ i ][ L ] + M[ L + 1 ][ j ]
+ r[ i - 1 ] * r[ L ] * r[ j ];
if ( ThisM < M[ i ][ j ] ) /* Update min */
M[ i ][ j ] = ThisM;
} /* end for-L */
} /* end for-Left */
- \(T_{ij}\) - 第 i 个元素到第 j 个元素组成的树
- \(c_{ij}\) - \(T_{ij}\) 的 cost (\(c_{ii}=0\))
- \(r_{ij}\) - \(T_{ij}\) 的根
- \(w_{ij}\) - \(T_{ij}\) 的权重 = \(\sum_{k=i}^{j}p_k\)
All-Pairs Shortest Path
方法 1:用 |V| 次最短路径算法 \(O(N^3)\)
方法 2:
思路:从 A 到 B 有一个最短路径集合,不断添加中间的“跳板”节点,则新的最短路径 = min{原来的最短路径(已经算出),用跳板的最短路径},并把跳板更新到集合里
- \(D^k[ i ] [ j ] = min{\ length\ of\ path\ i \rightarrow \{ l \leq k \} \rightarrow j }\)
- \(D^{-1}[ i ] [ j ] = Cost [ i ] [ j ]\). Then the length of the shortest path from i to j is \(D^{N-1}[ i ] [ j ]\)
算法:从 \(D^{-1}[ i ] [ j ]\) 生成 \(D^0\), \(D^1\)...
已经生成 \(D^{k-1}\) 后
/* A[ ] contains the adjacency matrix with A[ i ][ i ] = 0 */
/* D[ ] contains the values of the shortest path */
/* N is the number of vertices */
/* A negative cycle exists iff D[ i ][ i ] < 0 */
void AllPairs( TwoDimArray A, TwoDimArray D, int N )
{ int i, j, k;
for ( i = 0; i < N; i++ ) /* Initialize D */
for( j = 0; j < N; j++ )
D[ i ][ j ] = A[ i ][ j ];
for( k = 0; k < N; k++ ) /* add one vertex k into the path */
for( i = 0; i < N; i++ )
for( j = 0; j < N; j++ )
if( D[ i ][ k ] + D[ k ][ j ] < D[ i ][ j ] )
/* Update shortest path */
D[ i ][ j ] = D[ i ][ k ] + D[ k ][ j ];
- 复杂度 - \(O(N3)\), but faster in a dense graph.
- 负边有效(没有负的环)
- 顺序无关
- Product Assembly
车有两条生产线,每个部件生产时间不同 ` 可以中途转换生产线(需要时间)
F[N][k] = min{F[N-1][k]+, F(N-1)+}
k = 0 或 1:表示在哪条生产线上
附加例题一:Longest-Common-Subsequence Problem
Greedy Algorithms
- \(c_{ij}\) - 在第 i 个活动结束后,第 j 个活动开始前,可以选择的活动数
- 实际实现时,将 \(c_{ij}\) 存起来,并记录是否访问过
- 贪心选出来的第一个元素可以替代最优解的第一个元素
- 最优子结构
最后一个选 - 转移成选前面的
最后一个不选 - 转移成选倒数第二个
Huffman Codes - for file compression
如果只有四个字符出现——编码成两个 bit
霍夫曼编码——用短的 01 串表示出现频率高的字符
欧拉回路 - NPC
哈密尔顿回路 - NPH
最短路径 - NPC
最长路径 - NPH
NPH - 没有多项式时间的算法
Eazy vs. Hard
- 最简单的:O(N) - 至少读一次输入
- 最困难的: 无解
- 介于二者之间:NPC 和 NPH
停机问题 - 是否可以检测某个程序会自行停止
Loop( P )
/* 1 */ if ( P(P) loops ) print (YES);// 不可能去判断
/* 2 */ else infinite_loop();
- Deterministic Turing Machine: executes one instruction at each point in time. Then depending on the instruction, it goes to the next unique instruction.
- Nondeterministic Turing Machine: is free to choose its next step from a finite set. And if one of these steps leads to a solution, it will always choose the correct one.
NP: Nondeterministic polynomial-time 定义:
- P 问题:确定性图灵机可以在多项式时间内解决的问题
- NP 问题:非确定性图灵机可以在多项式时间内解决的问题
典型的 NP 问题:Hamilton cycle problem - Find a single cycle that contains every vertex
- Not all decidable problems are in NP. For example, consider the problem of determining whether a graph does not have a Hamiltonian cycle.
显然 P 问题一定是 NP 问题,但 P 问题是否完全等于 NP 问题,还没有解决
- NP-Complete Problems (hardest): An NP-complete problem has the property that any problem in NP can be polynomially reduced to it.
- polynomially reduced:
如果我们可以在多项式时间解决任意一个 NPC 问题,那么可以在多项式时间内解决所有 NP 问题(即 P = NP)
例题:假设汉密尔顿是 NPC 问题,求证旅行商问题也是 NPC 问题
Hamiltonian cycle problem: Given a graph G=(V, E), is there a simple cycle that visits all vertices?
Traveling salesman problem: Given a complete graph G=(V, E), with edge costs, and an integer K, is there a simple cycle that visits all vertices and has total cost <= K?
A Formal-language Framework —— 计算机能看懂的语言
- Abstract Problem: binary relation on a set I of problem instances and a set S of problem solutions.
- Map I into a binary string { 0, 1 }* -> Q is a concrete problem.
complexity class co-NP = the set of languages L such that \(\bar L \in NP\)
Approximate Bin Packing
Next Fit
First Fit
Best Fit
bad case:
- On-line Algorithms: 来一个数据决策一个(适合生产线,无法看到数据全貌)
定理:对任何在线算法,一定可以构造数据,使得在线算法的结果和最优结果的比至少为 5/3
Off-line Algorithms: 读取全部数据后再进行决策
- Bin Packing: 将数据从大到小排好序,再使用 First Fit/Best Fit
The Knapsack Problem
fractional version
0 1 version
- approximate ratio 的计算
The K-center Problem