Process Concept
Process:a unit of resource allocation and protection
- program - 静态的,存在 disk 里的 byte
- 一个程序运行一次(loaded in memory)产生一个进程
Process = code + data section +(静态)
pc + stack + heap(动态)
stack 高地址,heap 低地址
一个简单的 C 程序的 memory layout
stack frame 中有什么
- 调用函数传递的参数
- 函数的局部变量
- 返回地址
- 返回值
call sequence 越长,stack 越大 -> runtime stack overflow(尤其是递归调用时
以前 OS 只能一次运行一个进程,现在可以运行多个
Process Control Block
PCB, also called task control block
- PCB 与 Process 是一对一的关系
- PCB 在 Process 创建时被分配,在终止时被销毁
- 一般有下面这些内容:
- Process state – running, waiting, etc
- Program counter – location of instruction to next execute
- CPU registers – contents of all process-centric registers
- CPU scheduling information- priorities, scheduling queue pointers
- Memory-management information – memory allocated to the process
- Accounting information – CPU used, clock time elapsed since start, time limits
- I/O status information – I/O devices allocated to process, list of open files
task_struct - linux 的 PCB
Process State
- new - The process is being created
- ready - The process is waiting to be assigned to a processor
- running - Instructions are being executed
- waiting - The process is waiting for some events to occur
- terminated - The process has finished execution
Process Creation
- 父亲可以继续执行,也可以等待孩子执行完毕
- 孩子可以是父亲的克隆,也可以完全是新的程序
- create a new process- 产生一个子程序
- 子程序从 fork() 后开始执行(return from fork)
- return new_pid to parent, return 0 to children
- 子程序现有的资源为 0
为什么 fork 能返回两个值 - 有两个 user space 的 context
Process Termination
- A process terminates itself with the exit() system call
- All resources of a process are deallocated by the OS
- A process can cause the termination of another process - use signal 和 kill()
execve() system call used after a fork() to replace the process’ memory space with a new program
if (fork() == 0) { // run ls
char *const argv[] = {"ls", "-l", "/tmp/", NULL};
execv("/bin/ls", argv);
}// 把后续程序替换成 ls
- blocks until any child completes
- returns the pid of the completed child and the child’s exit code
- blocks until a specific child completes
- can be made non-blocking with WNOHANG options
Process and Signal
- A process can receive signals, i.e., software interrupts(异步
- signal 的作用 - 程序同步
- os 定义 signal 的名字和对应的数字
- signal 的例子
- 键盘 ^C on the command-line sends a SIGINT signal to the running
- A segmentation violation sends a SIGBUS signal to the running process
- A process sends a SIGKILL signal to another
Manipulating Signals
- Each signal causes a default behavior in the process
- 比如 SIGINT signal causes the process to terminate
- 为安全考虑,一些 signal 不能由用户写 handler
signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN); // ignore signal
signal(SIGINT, SIG_DFL); // set behavior to default
signal(SIGINT, my_handler); // customize behavior
//handler is as:
void my_handler(int sig) { ... }
zombie - 自己死了父母没死
- terminate
- 因为父母可能需要子进程的 exit code,所以 os 还没 collect garbage(会占用 memory
- PCB 不能被回收
- 在下面两种情况下被回收
- parents called wait()
- parents died
- When a child exits, a SIGCHLD signal is sent to the parent
- 避免 zombie:
- The parent associates a handler to SIGCHLD
- The handler calls wait()
- This way all children deaths are “acknowledged”
orphans - 父母死了自己没死,
- 会被 pid=1 的父进程领养
- init on a Linux system
- launchd on a Mac OS X system
- The process with pid 1 does handle child termination with a handler for SIGCHLD that calls wait
- 因此,orphan 不会变成 zombie
- “Trick” to fork a process that’s completely separate from the parent (with no future responsibilities): create a grandchild and “kill” its parent
Child becomes zombie, parent needs to handle child exit properly
Process Scheduling
- Process scheduler selects among ready processes for next execution on CPU core
- ready queue - set of all processes residing in main memory, ready and waiting to execute
- wait queue - set of processes waiting for an event (i.e. I/O)
- 链表数据结构
Context Switch
- Context - 寄存器的内容
- 发生在特权模式
- 起作用的位置 - context_switch, more specifically, in
- 存到哪 - PCB, more specifically, in
arm 架构的代码
PC、stack 都改变,因此进程改变
Return to the caller ofcpu_switch_to
-> eventually toschedule()
程序栈的两个 PC
- low address - kernel space 的 pc
- high address - user space 的 pc
Code through
- 每个 Task 需要 Task struct(3KB)
- 之前有规定 NR_Tasks - Task 的最大数量
- 这样需要用的时候遍历一遍表即可
- 后来变为动态(仍受内存限制)
CPU Scheduling
Definition - 决定下一个运行哪个进程,运行多久
- 对 CPU 的利用很重要
- The mechanism is the dispatcher
CPU-I/O Burst Cycle
- I/O bound - 总是在等 I/O
- CPU bound - 总是在用 CPU,很少 I/O
Non-preemtive scheduling - 非抢占式,跑到不想跑(Running to Ready 不会发生)
- Also called “cooperative” scheduling
Preemtive scheduling - 抢占式
- 不需要进程自愿放弃
- 操作系统操控
- 复杂,需要考虑很多 process synchronization 的问题
- 访问共享数据
- kernel mode 抢占
- 操作系统在执行重要操作时发生抢占
可能发生的 Scheduling Decision:
Scheduling 的目标
- Maximize CPU Utilization - CPU 不处在空闲状态的比例
- Maximize Throughput - “useful work” done per time unit
- Minimize Turnaround Time - Time from process creation to process completion
- Minimize Waiting Time - time a process spends in the READY state
- Minimize Response Time - Time from process creation until the “first response” is received
Scheduling queues
- 链表实现
- Ready Queue contains processes that are in the READY state
- Device Queues contain processes waiting for particular devices
Dispatcher latency
- Dispatcher module
- switching to kernel mode
- switching context
- switching to user mode
- jumping to the proper location in the user program to restart that program
- Dispatch latency – time it takes for the dispatcher to stop one process and start another to run
Scheduling Algorithms
First-Come, First-Served Scheduling
- 先来的先执行
- Gantt chart
- waiting time = start time - Arrivel time
- 上图的例子:Average waiting time: (6 + 0 + 3)/3 = 3
- Turnaround time = finish time – arrival time
- Average turnaround time: (30 + 3 + 6)/3 = 13
- 如果 P1 先来,上面两个时间都会大幅度提高 - Convoy effect
Shortest-Job-First Scheduling
- SJF - 最优 for average wait time
- 抢占式比非抢占式优
- Preemptive - shortest-remaining-time-first (SRPT)
- 此时 waiting time = finish time – arrival time - burst time =
- 此时 waiting time = finish time – arrival time - burst time =
- 实际情况下,我们并不能准确知道 burst durations
- Predicting - Exponential averaging \(T_{n+1} = \alpha t_n + (1-\alpha) T_n\)
- 其中 T 是预测,t 是实际观测
- 可以扩展
Round-Robin Scheduling
- 抢占式
- 定义 time Quantum(A fixed interval of time (10-100ms))
- 每个进程最多只能执行一个 Quantum(更短时间执行完也行)
- Ready Queue is a FIFO(被换下来的放在 end)
- 好处 - 平均等待时间不如 SJF,但 better response time
- 没有 starvation
- waiting time 有上界
- 坏处:Quantum
- 太长了 - low overhead
- 太短了 - context switch
Priority Scheduling
- 选取优先级最高的程序执行
- priority 可以是对时间的预测(SJF)- internal
- 也可以 set by users to specify relative importance of job - externel
- 一般来说,数字越小,优先级越高
- Simply implement the Ready Queue as a Priority Queue
- problem - 优先级低的程序执行不了(starvation)
- aging - 增长年龄,也是优先级的一部分
Multilevel Queue Scheduling
- The RR Scheduling scheme treats all processes equally
- 为一个类的进程创建一个 ready queue(例如不同优先级的程序放在不同类里
- Scheduling within queues
- 每个队列有不同的方式(比如可以 High-priority could be RR, Low-priority could be FCFS
- Scheduling between the queues
- Typically preemptive priority scheduling, Or time-slicing among queues (为高优先级的队列分配更多时间)
Multilevel Feedback Queue Scheduling
- Processes can move among the queues
- 如果 process's characteristics have changed,例如预测 burst time 变少,可以从低优先级队列放到高优先级队列中(可以实现 priority aging
What’s a Good Scheduling Algorithm?
- Few analytical/theoretical results are available
- Another option: Simulation
- Finally: Implementation
Thread Scheduling
- 进程内部 process-contention scope (PCS)
- 所有进程之间 system-contention scope (SCS)
- Multicore Processors
Operating System Examples
windows - 数越大优先级越高
- XP - Priority-based, time quantum-based, multi-queue, preemptive scheduling
idle thread
Linux - 数越小优先级越高(NICE)
- Round-robin + priority scheduling
- Array
- TASK-RUNNING means ready
- O(N)
- 后续优化:bitmap - O(1)
- CFS 算法
会算 average waiting time