Storage and Indexing
Storage and File Structure
Overview of Physical Storage Media
Physical Storage Media
- 读写速度
- 花费
- 可靠性
DB 的效率和可靠性与合理的存储层次有关。
vollatile: 易失
Storage media 分类
- Primary storage: Fastest media but volatile (cache, main memory).
- Secondary storage (辅助存储器,联机存储器): next level in hierarchy, non-volatile, moderately fast access time
- Also called on-line storage
- E.g., flash memory, magnetic disks
- Tertiary storage (三级存储器,脱机存储器): lowest level in hierarchy, non-volatile, slow access time
- also called off-line storage
- E.g., magnetic tape, optical storage
- 断电易失存储器 - DDR2、SDR 等
- 断电不易失存储 - Includes secondary and tertiary storage, as well as batter-backed up main-memory.
以速度分类 - 即多层次存储的每一层
Magnetic Disks
数据传输请求到传输开始的时间 = Seek time(寻道时间) + Rotational latency(旋转等待时间)
- Seek time: 到达正确的轨道所需的时间
- Rotational latency time: it takes for the sector to be accessed to appear under the head.
- CPU 速度变快,而拿到数据的速度提升不明显
Data-transfer rate
RAID Levels
- Level 1: 将数据备份一份
- Level 5: 五块硬盘,轮流作为其他数据的异或结果,有效存储空间为四块。损坏一块可以用其他块恢复
数据库一般用 RAID 1,RAID 5 用于数据量特别大的情况
Storage Access
- 包(block)是读取的基本单元
- Buffer - 主存里存放从硬盘拿取的块的部分
Buffer-Replacement(缓冲区不够,需要将原有的 block 替换)的两种策略:
- LRU(Least Recently Used,最近最少使用策略): 把最少访问的部分覆盖
- 不适合的情况:多表的自然连接,在 for 循环中,最少使用的表反而最可能下一个被访问
- MRU(Most Recently Used,最近常用使用策略)
Pinned block (被钉住的块): Memory block that is not allowed to be written back to disk. (如当前块正在被使用时)
- 行存:需要经常改动时最好使用
Indexing and Hashing
怎么把 records 存放在文件里
Heap – record can be placed anywhere in the file where there is space
Sequential – store records in sequential order, based on the value of the search key of each record
在多表聚簇文件组织中,可以将几种不同关系的记录存储在同一个文件中(最小化 I/O)
B+-tree file organization
Hashing – a hash function computed on search key
Basic Concepts
- 目的:加速找到想要的数据
- search key:用于查找记录的属性或属性集合
- 特定某一行
- Between
哈希不适合 between 的情况,顺序索引适合
- 额外开销:Access time、Insertion time、Deletion time、Space overhead
顺序索引:search key 排列好
- 散列索引:search key 用 hash 方法查找
Ordered Indices
稠密(Dense)索引:每条记录的 key 都存在索引文件里
稀疏(Sparse)索引:只存部分 key(通常在 Primary index 时使用)
- 当索引文件很大,稠密索引需要多次读入时,稀疏索引更有优势
Primary index: in a sequentially ordered file, the index whose search key specifies the sequential order of the file.
Also called clustering index
The search key of a primary index is usually but not necessarily the primary key.
Index-sequential file: ordered sequential file with a primary index.
二级索引 - an index whose search key specifies an order different from the sequential order of the file. Also called non-clustering index.
- 多种属性作为查询条件时有用
- 二级索引记录指向一个桶,该桶包含指向所有具有该特定搜索键值的一级索引
- 辅助索引不能使用稀疏索引,每条记录都必须有指针指向
- seek 耗时大,可能用索引比不用慢
B+ Tree Index Files
B 树
Write-optimized Indices