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Relational Database Design


First Normal Form

  • 原子性:属性不可分割

Examples of non-atomic domains:

Composite attributes --- set of names (first name & last name)

Multi-value attribute --- a person’s phones

Complex data type--- object-oriented

  • 如果 R 的所有属性域都是原子的,则关系模式 R 采用第一范式 (1NF)。
  • 关系R必须满足第一范式,并且不能有部分依赖。也就是说,表中的每个非主属性必须完全依赖于候选键(主键)而不是依赖于候选键的一部分,则关系模式 R 采用第二范式 (2NF)。
  • 第一范式是关系数据库的必要条件


  • 复合属性 --- 用多个属性代替
  • 多值属性

    • Use multi fields, e.g., person(pname, …, phon1, phon2, phon3, …);
    • Use a separate table, e.g., phone(pname, phone);
    • Use a single field, e.g., person(pname, …, phones, …) (phones字段可能存储多个电话号码,用逗号或其他分隔符隔开)
    • Drawback: 存储复杂、冗余,不易于查询



如果学号是 CS0012 or EE1127,前面两位用以提取找到部门

则这个属性不是原子性的(bad idea)

Pitfalls in Relational Database Design

Functional Dependencies


Boyce-Codd Normal Form

近似于第 3.5 范式

  • BC 范式的定义:A relation schema R is in BCNF, with respect to a set F of functional dependencies, if for all functional dependencies in \(F^+\) of the form \(\alpha\rightarrow \beta\), where \(\alpha \subseteq R\) and \(\beta \subseteq R\), at least one of the following holds:

    • \(\alpha\rightarrow \beta\) is trivial (显而易见)(i.e., \(\beta \in \alpha\)).
    • \(\alpha\) 是 R 的 superkey (i.e., \(R \subseteq \alpha\), \(\alpha\rightarrow R\))

    对所有的 \(\alpha\rightarrow \beta\) 都满足


超键可以是单个属性,也可以是多个属性的组合。其中,最小的超键被称为候选键(侯效码)(Candidate Key)。如果一个关系中只有一个候选键,那么这个候选键也是主键(Primary Key),用来唯一地标识关系中的每一行。

Suppose we have a schema R and a non-trivial dependency \(\alpha\rightarrow \beta\) causes a violation of BCNF. We decompose R into:

  • \(\alpha\cup \beta\)
  • \(R - (\beta-\alpha)\)

instr_dept (ID, name, salary, dept_name, building, budget )

\(\alpha\) = dept_name, \(\beta\)= building, budget

and inst_dept is replaced by

\(\alpha\cup \beta\) = ( dept_name, building, budget ) - 这是一个 BC 范式

\(R - (\beta-\alpha)\) = ( ID, name, salary, dept_name ) - 进一步分解(如果有别的 \(\alpha\rightarrow \beta\)

构造 BC 范式的伪代码
result := {R}; 
    done := false; 
    compute F+; 
    while (not done) do 
        if (there is a schema Ri in result that is not in BCNF)
        // Ri has a nontrivial FD a->b, a is not a key
        then begin 
            let a->b be a nontrivial functional 
            dependency that holds on Ri such 
            that a->Ri Ri is not in F+, and    = ; 
            result := (result  Ri) U (a, b) U (Ri  b); 
        else done := true; 


无损连接(Lossless join)

BC 范式

依赖保持(Dependency preservation)

主要是构造 BC 范式时会损害依赖保持

因此有了下面这个范式(放松 BC 范式满足依赖保持)

Third Normal Form


  • 第三范式的定义:A relation schema R is in third normal form (3NF) if for all \(\alpha,\ \beta\) in \(F^+\), 至少满足下面的一条:

    • \(\alpha\rightarrow \beta\) is trivial (显而易见)(i.e., \(\beta \in \alpha\)).
    • \(\alpha\) is a superkey for R.
    • Each attribute A in \(\beta-\alpha\) is contained in a candidate key for R (即 \(A \in \beta-\alpha\) 是主属性, 若 \(\alpha\cap \beta = \emptyset\) , 则 \(A = \beta\) 是主属性).

Note: each attribute may be in a different candidate key.

Example: R = (J,K,L) F = (JK \(\rightarrow\) L, L \(\rightarrow\) K)

J: student, K: course, L: teacher (一门有多个教师,一个教师上一门课, 一个学生选多门课, 一门课有多个学生选)

canonical cover(正则覆盖)

  • 函数依赖的最简洁形式(逻辑含义相同,形式最简)
  • left side is unique

a->b1, a->b2 可以简化为 a->b1b2

Let Fc be a canonical cover for F; 
i := 0; 
for each functional dependency a -> b in Fc do 
    {if none of the schemas Rj, 1 < j <= i contains a b
          then begin 
            i := i  + 1; // 将Fc中的每个 a -> b 分解为子模式Ri := (a, b), 
            Ri := (a b) // 从而保证 dependency-preserving. 
if none of the schemas Rj, 1 < j <= i contains a candidate key for R then 
    i := i  + 1; 
    Ri := any candidate key for R; // 保证至少在一个Ri中存在R的候选码, 从而保证 lossless-join. 
return (R1, R2, ..., Ri) 

判断无损连接 - 保证至少在一个 Ri 中存在 R 的候选码

Example: For a relation schema R(A, B, C, D) with F = {AB -> C, C -> D, D -> A}.

  1. 求 Candidate Key
  2. 转换成 BC 范式
  1. 先作图,找到没有任何一个箭头指着的属性,一定是 Candidate Key 的一部分,本例中为 B

    发现 AB/BC/BD 都能作为 Candidate Key

  2. a

Multivalued Dependencies

Fourth Normal Form