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数据库系统 - sql语言

Structured Query Language——结构化查询语言 与国际标准不同——没人要 与国际标准相同——易替代

Data Definition Language

              (branch_name    char(15) not null, 
                branch_city   varchar(30), 
                assets        numeric(8,2),
                primary key (branch_name)) 
Domain Types:

  • char(n): Fixed length character string, with user-specified length.
  • varchar(n): Variable length character strings, with user-specified maximum length n.
  • int: Integer (a finite subset of the integers that is machine-dependent).
  • smallint: Small integer (a machine-dependent subset of the integer domain type).
  • numeric(p, d): Fixed point number, with user-specified precision of p digits, with d digits to the right of decimal point.
  • real, double precision: Floating point and double-precision floating point numbers, with machine-dependent precision.

DROP TABLE r:将数据和表都删掉

Basic Structure


loan(loan-number, branch-name, amount)

borrower(customer-name, loan-number)

The select clause

Select branch_name, balance from account  where balance >= 500 

SELECT distinct branch_name FROM loan -- distinct: remove duplicates
SELECT all branch_name FROM loan -- all: allow duplicates, default 

SELECT loan_number  
FROM loan 
WHERE amount BETWEEN 90000 AND 100000 -- amount >=90000 && amount <=100000

The where clause

The from clause

The rename operation

SELECT customer_name, T.loan_number, S.amount 
FROM borrower as T, loan as S -- as: rename
WHERE T.loan_number = S.loan_number 
-- 改名起到简化作用
rename 更关键的作用——复制一张表,起比较作用
--Find the names of all branches that have greater assets 
--than some branch located in city Brooklyn.

SELECT distinct T.branch_name
FROM branch as T, branch as S
WHERE T.assets > S.assets and S.branch_city = Brooklyn 

String operations

  • 通配符

    • % --- matches any substring (likes * in the file system).
    • _ --- matches any character (like ? in the file system).
--Find the names of all customers 
--whose name includes the substring “泽”. 

SELECT customer_name
FROM customer
WHERE customer_name LIKE %% 

--Match the name “Main%” 

LIKE Main\% escape  ‘\’

Ordering the display of tuples

-- List in alphabetic order the names of all 
-- customers having a loan in Perryridge branch. 

SELECT distinct customer_name
FROM borrower A, loan B 
WHERE A.loan_number = B.loan_number and 
branch_name = Perryridge 
order by customer_name 


Set Operations


  • 使用集合运算符时,自动去重


set op example
-- Find all customers who have a loan or an account or both. 
(SELECT customer_name FROM depositor) 
(SELECT customer_name FROM borrower) 

-- Find all customers who have both a loan and an account. 
(SELECT customer_name FROM depositor) 
(SELECT customer_name FROM borrower) 

Aggregate Functions


account(account-number, branch-name, balance)

depositor(customer-name, account-number)

-- Find the number of depositors for each branch. 

-- 无distinct: 账户数
SELECT branch_name, count(customer_name) tot_num 
FROM depositor, account 
WHERE depositor.account_number=account.account_number 
GROUP BY branch_name 

-- 有distinct: 客户数(同一个人可能有多个账户)
SELECT branch_name, count(distinct customer_name) as tot_num 
FROM depositor D, account A 
WHERE D.account_number = A.account_number 
GROUP BY branch_name 

Having Clause

SELECT A.branch_name, avg(balance) 
FROM account A, branch B 
WHERE A.branch_name = B.branch_name and 
        branch_city =Brooklyn 
GROUP BY A.branch_name 
HAVING avg(balance) > 1200 
-- Having & where
-- 表象:having后有聚合函数,对聚合函数的结果进行操作
-- 实际:执行顺序不同


-- The format of SELECT statement: 

SELECT <[DISTINCT] c1, c2, > 
FROM <r1, > 
[WHERE <condition>] 
[GROUP BY <c1, c2, > [HAVING <cond2>]] 
[ORDER BY <c1 [DESC] [, c2 [DESC|ASC], ]>] 


From → where → group (aggregate) → having → select → distinct → order by

  • having 对聚合后的函数进行比较

Null Values


Nested Subqueries


some: 表中某些值的值

--Find all branches that have greater assets 
--than some branch located in Brooklyn. 
SELECT distinct branch_name 
FROM branch 
WHERE assets >  some -- 如果不加:asset>表,无意义
            (SELECT assets 
            FROM branch 
            WHERE branch_city = Brooklyn) 
alt text

all: 表中所有的值

  • (!=all)=not in
  • (=all)!=in——必须是集合的相等


  • not exists —— 差集结果是否为空,为空说明除得尽
    SELECT distinct S.customer_name 
    FROM depositor as S 
    WHERE not exists ( 
                        (SELECT branch_name 
                        FROM branch 
                        WHERE branch_city = Brooklyn) 
                        (SELECT distinct R.branch_name 
                        FROM depositor as T, account as R 
                        WHERE T.account_number = R.account_number 
                        and S.customer_name = T.customer_name)) 



  CREAT view all_customer as 
         ((SELECT branch_name, customer_name 
          FROM depositor, account 
          WHERE depositor.account_number = account.account_number) 
          (SELECT branch_name, customer_name 
          FROM borrower, loan 
          WHERE borrower.loan_number = loan.loan_number)) 

Derived Relations

Query 1:  SELECT branch_name, avg_bal 
                 FROM (SELECT branch_name, avg(balance) 
                     FROM account 
                     GROUP BY branch_name) -- 先建立一个本地视图
                     as result (branch_name, avg_bal) 
                 WHERE avg_bal > 500 

Query 2:  SELECT branch_name, avg(balance) 
                 FROM account 
                 GROUP BY branch_name 
                 HAVING avg(balance) > 500 
With Clause

  • The WITH clause allows views to be defined locally for a query, rather than globally.
          WITH max_balance(value) as 
                    SELECT max(balance) 
                    FROM account 
          SELECT account_number 
          FROM account, max_balance 
          WHERE account.balance = max_balance.value 
  • 更复杂的一个例子
    --Find all branches where the total account deposit is greater 
    --than the average of the total account deposits at all branches.
         WITH branch_total(branch_name, a_bra_total) as 
            SELECT branch_name, sum(balance) 
            FROM account 
            GROUP BY branch_name 
         WITH total_avg(value) as 
            SELECT avg(a_bra_total) 
            FROM branch_total 
         SELECT branch_name, a_bra_total 
         FROM branch_total A, total_avg B 
         WHERE A.a_bra_total >= B.value 
    离开这条语句,local view不存在

Modification of the Database


Delete: DELETE FROM <table | view> [WHERE <condition>]

-- Delete all account records at the Perryridge branch. 

DELETE FROM account 
WHERE branch_name = Perryridge 

branch(branch-name, branch-city, assets)

account(account-number, branch-name, balance)

depositor(customer-name, account-number)

Example query 1
-- Delete all accounts and relevant information at depositor
-- for every branch located in Needham city. 

DELETE FROM account 
WHERE branch_name in (SELECT branch_name 
                     FROM branch
                     WHERE branch_city = Needham) 
DELETE FROM depositor 
WHERE account_number in (SELECT account_number 
                        FROM branch B, account A 
                        WHERE branch_city = Needham 
                        and B.branch_name = A.branch_name)  

-- 错误示范

DELETE FROM account, depositor, branch -- 不允许同时从多个表中删除数据
WHERE account.accont_number = depositor.account_number 
         and branch.branch_name = account.branch_name 
         and branch_city = Needham 

Chatgpt:如果您使用了子查询,并且子查询依赖于外部查询的数据,那么在执行子查询时会使用外部查询开始时的数据状态(也称为“consistent read”)。


Example query 2
-- Delete the record of all accounts with balances
-- below the average at the bank. 

DELETE FROM account 
WHERE balance < (SELECT avg(balance) 
               FROM account) 
  • 问题:删除元组时,avg(balance)会改变

  • sql的解决方案:在同一SQL语句内,除非外层查询的元组变量引入内层查询,否则层查询只进行一次。

Insertion: INSERT INTO <table|view> [(c1, c2,…)] VALUES (e1, e2, …)

也可以是 INSERT INTO <table|view> [(c1, c2,…)] SELECT e1, e2, … FROM …

-- Add a new tuple to account: 

INSERT INTO account 
VALUES (A_9732, Perryridge, 1200) --需要按顺序
-- or equivalently 
INSERT INTO account (branch_name, balance, account_number) 
VALUES (Perryridge, 1200, A_9732)  -- 确定栏目后,不需要按顺序
  • VALUES 可以是 null ,如果未指定 VALUES ,默认为空
-- Provide as a gift for all loan customers of the Perryridge branch,
-- a $200 savings account.  Let the loan number serve as
-- the account number for the new savings account. 

-- Step 1: 
         insert into account 
         SELECT loan_number, branch_name, 200 
         FROM loan 
         WHERE branch_name = Perryridge 
-- Step 2: 
         insert into depositor 
         SELECT customer_name, A.loan_number 
         FROM loan A, borrower B 
         WHERE A.branch_name = Perryridge and 
               A.loan_number = B.loan_number 
  • 将 SELECT 语句 insert into 前,会先将 SELECT 语句执行完


FROM table1 

Updates: UPDATE <table | view> SET [<c1 = e1 , c2 = e2, …>] [WHERE <condition>]

-- Increase all accounts with balances over $10,000 by 6%,
-- all other accounts receive 5%. 

UPDATE account 
SET balance = balance * 1.06 
WHERE balance > 10000 
UPDATE account 
SET balance = balance * 1.05 
WHERE balance <= 10000 

-- again, order important
-- Can be done better using the case statement(regardless of order)

UPDATE account 
SET balance = case 
               when balance <= 10000 
               then balance * 1.05 
               else balance * 1.06 


Joined Relations