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Chapter 2

2.1 Introduction





  • 指令怎样在内部存储
  • 有多少 operand
  • 指令集中的指令怎样执行
  • 操作数的类型和大小

2.2 Operations of the Computer Hardware

每条指令一个运算,三个变量(a = b + c)



f = ( g + h )  ( i + j );
add t0, g, h // temporary variable t0 contains g + h
add t1, i, j // temporary variable t1 contains i + j
sub f, t0, t1 // f gets t0 – t1

2.3 Operands of the Computer Hardware

Register Operands(比 Memory 访问快)

  • RISC-V 中 32 个 64 位(doubleword)寄存器
  • 设计原理2:越少越快,不超过 32 个寄存器

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Memory Operands

  • 可以存储更多的数据以及成片的数据(数组等)
  • 用 ld(load doubleword) 读取到寄存器、sd(save doubleword) 存储来自寄存器
  • Memory is byte addressed:Each address identifies an 8-bit byte
  • RISC-V 是小端,且不需要字对齐

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  • Memory 需要更多条指令
g = h + A[8] ; // A is an array of 100 doublewords
( Assume: g ---- x20 h ---- x21 base address of A ---- x22 )
ld x9, 64(x22) // temporary reg x9 gets A[8]
add x20, x21, x9 // g = h + A[8]
g = h + A[i] ; // A is an array of 100 doublewords
( Assume: g, h, i -- x1, x2, x4 base address of A -- x3 )
add x5, x4, x4 # temp reg x5 = 2 * i
add x5, x5, x5 # temp reg x5 = 4 * i
add x5, x5, x5 # temp reg x5 = 8 * i
add x5, x5, x3 # x5 = address of A[i] (8 * i + x3)
ld $x6, 0(x5) # temp reg x6 = A[i]
add x1, x2, x6 # g = h + A[i]



  1. 提前存储在内存中,用 load 指令获得
  2. 放在指令中(小的数用的多,避免 load,make common case fast)

2.4 signed and unsigned numbers

2's 补码那些东西

2.5 Representing Instruncrions in the computer

设计原则 4:好的设计需要好的折衷,尽管有的指令不需要 32 bits,我们还是令其全为 32 bits

指令格式: alt text

  • I 型指令:注意 imm 是 2's 表示,需要符号扩展到相应位数

  • 高级指令->汇编指令->机器码


2.6 Logical Operations


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  • useful and:保留某些位,将其他位设为 0
  • or:保留某些位,将其他位设为 1

2.7 Instruction for making decision


if ( i = = j ) f = g + h ; else f = g  h; 
( Assume: f ~ j ---- x19 ~ x23 )
bne x22, x23, ELSE // go to ELSE if i != j
add x19, x20, x21 // f = g + h ( skipped if i not equals j )
beq x0, x0, EXIT
ELSE: sub x19, x20, x21 // f = g - h ( skipped if i equals j )


while ( save[i] = = k )
    i += 1 ;

( Assume: i and k---- x22 and x24 base of save ---- x25 )

Loop:   slli x10, x22, 3 // Temp reg x10 = i * 8
        add x10, x10, x25 // x10 = address of save[i]
        ld x9, 0(x10) // x9 gets save[i]
        bne x9, x24, Exit // go to Exit if save[i] != k
        addi x22, x22, 1 // i += 1
        beq x0, x0, Loop // go to Loop


  • blt rs1, rs2, L1

    如果rs1<rs2,跳转到Lable L1处

  • bge rs1, rs2, L1

    如果rs1>=rs2,跳转到Lable L1处

也可以用 slt 指令进行跳转

  • slt x2, x3, x4

    set on less than——如果x3<x4,将x2设为1(2's 有符号数的比较)

if (a < b), goto Less
use blt
blt x6, x7, Less
use slt
        slt x5, x6, x7 # x5 = 1 if x6 < x7 ( a < b) 
        bne x5, x0, Less # go to Less if x5 != 0 (that is, if a < b)

slt 也被用来产生 '1'

无符号数比较的指令:bltu, bgeu

  • bgeu x20, x11, Outbound

Case/Switch 语句

  • 转换成汇编代码后,分支语句在memory中像数组一样连续存储
  • 根据偏移量访问(jump address table)

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switch ( k ) {
case 0 : f = i + j ; break ; /* k = 0 */
case 1 : f = g + h ; break ; /* k = 1 */
case 2 : f = g - h ; break ; /* k = 2 */
case 3 : f = i - j ; break ; /* k = 3 */
        lt x25, x0, Exit // test if k < 0 
        bge x25, x5, Exit // if k >= 4, go to Exit
        slli x7, x25, 3 // temp reg x7 = 8 * k
        add x7, x7, x6 // x7 = address of JumpTable[k]
        ld x7, 0(x7) // x7 gets JumpTable[k]
        jalr x1, 0(x7) // jump entrance

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Basic blocks: 一段没有跳转的连续指令,可以被编译器优化

2.8 Supporting Procedures in Conputer Hardware



  1. Place Parameters in a place where the procedure can access them (in registers x10~x17)
  2. Transfer control to the procedure
  3. Acquire the storage resources needed for the procedure
  4. Perform the desired task
  5. Place the result value in a place where the calling program can access it
  6. Return control to the point of origin (address in x1)

jal x1, Lable - 跳转到 Lable,PC + 4 存到 x1

jalr x0, 0(x1) - jumps to 0 + address in x1


  • 过程调用中使用的寄存器:

    • x10~x17:传递参数和返回结果的8个寄存器
    • x1:记录return地址的寄存器
  • stack 是存储数据的理想地方

  • Stack grow from higher address to lower address
  • Push: sp= sp-8
  • Pop: sp = sp+8

Leaf procedure:不会调用别的过程的过程

  • 把要用的寄存器存到栈中,用完后再ld回来
long long int leaf_example (
long long int g, long long int h,
long long int i, long long int j) {
long long int f;
    f = (g + h) - (i + j);
    return f;
  • Arguments g, …, j in x10, …, x13, f in x20
  • temporaries x5, x6
  • Need to save x5, x6, x20 on stack

    addi sp,sp,-24
    sd x5,16(sp)
    sd x6,8(sp)
    sd x20,0(sp)// Save x5, x6, x20 on stack
    add x5,x10,x11// x5 = g + h
    add x6,x12,x1// x6 = i + j
    sub x20,x5,x6// f = x5 – x6
    addi x10,x20,0// copy f to return register
    ld x20,0(sp)
    ld x6,8(sp)
    ld x5,16(sp)// Resore x5, x6, x20 from stack
    addi sp,sp,24
    jalr x0,0(x1)// Return to caller
Register Usage

  • x5-x7,x28-x31:temporary register(随便用)
  • x8-x9,x18-x27:saved register(需要压栈)

Non-leaf procedure

  • return的地址会改变
  • 因此需要把返回地址 x1 压栈
  • 以及存储结果的寄存器也要压栈


long long fact ( long long n ) 
    if ( n < 1 ) return ( 1 ) ;
    else return ( n * fact ( n - 1 ) ) ;

argument n is in x10, and results in x10

fact:   addi sp, sp, 16 // adjust stack for 2 items
        sd x1, 8(sp) // save the return address
        sd x10, 0(sp) // save the argument n
        addi x5, x10, -1 // x5 = n - 1
        bge x5, x0, L1 // if n >= 1, go to L1(else)
        addi x10, x0, 1 // return 1 if n <1
        addi sp, sp, 16 // Recover sp (Why not recover x1and x10 ?)
        jalr x0, 0(x1) // return to caller

L1: addi x10, x10, -1 // n >= 1: argument gets ( n - 1 )
    jal x1, fact // call fact with ( n - 1 )
    add x6, x10, x0
    ld x10, 0(sp) // restore argument n
    ld x1, 8(sp) // restore the return address
    addi sp, sp, 16 // adjust stack pointer to pop 2 items
    mul x10, x10, x6 // return n*fact ( n - 1 )
    jalr x0, 0(x1) // return to the caller



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  • Procedure frame and frame pointer ( x8 or fp ) - 保存 C 中的自动变量
  • Global pointer ( x3 or gp ) - 保存 C 中的静态变量

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2.9 communication with people


  • ascii码(128个字符)
  • unicode(16-bit/32-bit)


  • Load byte/halfword/word: Sign extend to 64 bits in rd
    • lb rd, offset(rs1)
    • lh rd, offset(rs1)
    • lw rd, offset(rs1)
  • Load byte/halfword/word unsigned: Zero extend to 64 bits in rd
    • lbu rd, offset(rs1)...
  • Store byte/halfword/word: Store rightmost 8/16/32 bit
    • sb rs2, offset(rs1)
    • sh rs2, offset(rs1)
    • sw rs2, offset(rs1)


  • Place the length of the string in the first position(JAVA)
  • An accompanying variable has the length
  • A character in the last position to mark the end of a string(C)


void strcpy ( char x[ ] , char y[ ] )
    size_t i ;
    i = 0 ;
    while ( ( x[ i ] = y[ i ] ) != ‘\ 0 ) /* copy and test byte */
        i += 1 ;

( Assume: i -- x19, x’s base --x10, y’s base ----x11)

strcpy: addi sp, sp, -8 // adjust stack for 1 doubleword
        sd x19, 0(sp) // save x19
        add x19, x0, x0 // i = 0
L1:     add x5, x19, x11 // address of y[ i ] in x5
        lbu x6, 0(x5) // x6 = y [ i ]
        add x7, x19, x10 // address of x[ i ] in x7
        sb x6, 0(x7) // x[ i ] = y[ i ]
        beq x6, x0, L2 // if y[ i ] == 0, go to L2 
        addi x19, x19, 1 // i = i + 1
        jal x0, L1 // go to L1 
L2:     ld x19, 0(sp) // restore x19
        addi sp, sp, 8 // pop 1 doubleword off stack
        jalr x0, 0(x1) // return

优化:叶子程序先使用不需要 save 的 temp 寄存器,再使用必须 save 的

2.10 Addressing for Wide Immediate and Addresses

lui rd, constant - U型指令(前20位是立即数,接下来5位是目的寄存器,最后是操作符)


`lui x19, 976 `

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如果我们想要 li b0000 0000 0011 1101 0000 1001 0000 0000

必须分两步:lui 0000 0000 0011 1101 0000 addi 1001 0000 0000(寄存器略)


Branch Addressing

bne x10, x11, 2000 - SB型指令(2000 - 跳转偏移量)

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  • 立即数末尾补零(相当于乘二)

跳转范围:\(\pm 2^{12}\)个byte,即\(\pm 4\)k个字节

Jump Addressing


jal x0, 2000 - j型指令(只有这一条)

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跳转范围\(\pm 1\)M字节

  • For long jumps, eg, to 32-bit absolute address
    • lui: load address[31:12] to temp register
    • jalr: add address[11:0] and jump to target
beq x10, x0, L1

// 转换成
    bne x10, x0, L2
    jal x0, L1


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2.11 Parallelism and Instructions: Synchronization


  • Load reserved: lr.d rd,(rs1)
    • 把 rs1 地址里的值存在 rd 中
    • 保持地址存放的东西不变
  • Store conditional: sc.d rd,(rs1),rs2
    • 把 rs2 的值存在 rs1 中的地址里
    • 成功时(location 没变)返回0
    • 失败时返回非零值

Example 1: atomic swap(to test/set lock variable)

again:  lr.d x10,(x20)
        sc.d x11,(x20),x23 // X11 = status
        bne x11,x0,again // branch if store failed
        addi x23,x10,0 // X23 = loaded value

Example 2: lock

        addi x12,x0,1 // copy locked value
again:  lr.d x10,(x20) // read lock
        bne x10,x0,again // check if it is 0 yet
        sc.d x11,(x20),x12 // attempt to store
        bne x11,x0,again // branch if fails

Unlock: sd x0,0(x20) // free lock


  • aulpc

M: integer multiply, divide, remainder

  • A: atomic memory operations
  • F: single-precision floating point
  • D: double-precision floating point
  • C: compressed instructions

2.12 Translating and Starting a Program

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object file 和 executable file

  • 静态链接:将库文件整个copy,不实时更新

  • 动态链接(Dynamic Linking)

  • Lazy Linkage:

  • Java application

2.13 C Example


  • 存到栈中
  • 存到另一寄存器——效率更高


  • 父函数保证:子函数能随便使用temporary registers (x5-x7, x28-x31),返回给父函数的时候,x5-x7, x28-x31的值可以被改变。
  • 子函数保证:返回给父函数的时候,saved registers(x18-x27) 保持父函数调用子函数前的值。


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Leaf - temperor register

Father - saved register


  • 索引 - array[i]
  • 指针 - *p = array[0],通过*p访问

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  • 数组大时,后者好(前者需要 i 乘 size)
  • 大小为 0 时,会无限循环(需要判断)


2.14 Real Stuff: MIPS & x86

MIPS 和 Risc-5 的相似点:

  • 指令 32 位
  • 32 个目的寄存器,32个浮点寄存器
  • 内存只能用 load/save 访问


  • 分支跳转不同 MIPS 只用 slt、sltu,再用 beq、bne

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上图 MIPS 中,Rs2 是目的寄存器(ld 存数据到 Rs2 中,st 把 Rs2 中的数据存到内存中)


以 386 为例

  • 每条指令有两个操作符,可以在一条指令读取、计算、存回
  • 多种寻址模式
  • 指令有长有短